2015 VFUA Planning Weekend

The VFUA Executive Committee held its annual planning weekend down at Rye from 13-15 February.

The aim of the planning weekend was to provide all Executive members with a clear understanding of the direction of the VFUA for 2015 and to induct new Executive members on the purpose of the VFUA and the functions it performs.

President Daniel Butcher opened proceedings by welcoming everyone and then outlined his vision and expectations for the year ahead. He stressed it was important that all Executive members have a clear idea of their responsibilities as a member of the Executive Committee and what involvement each member will have for projects and events. Daniel’s emphasis as President will be ensuring that the VFUA provides highly responsive and professional services and improved engagement with all members and life members during the year.

Daniel emphasised the need for Executive members to have fun, create a strong team environment and to focus on service delivery whilst remaining focused on individual umpiring careers throughout the season.

A planning document has been developed and will be used by the Executive committee during the year to track projects and service delivery.  This is available through the link at the bottom of the VFUA website.

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